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Extranet Services Confirmation
In accordance with Glencore plc and its subsidiaries’ (“Glencore”) Information Governance Policy and the Glencore Security Framework (GSF), this Extranet IT Services Confirmation (the “Confirmation”) sets the security requirements when accessing Glencore Information Technology (IT) Services and Glencore Information held on the Extranet Service (“Service”).
The Service can only be accessed by “authorized Extranet users” (“Users”) only. Inappropriate access may infringe applicable laws, regulations and/or contractual terms and result in serious consequences. If you are not an authorized User, do not attempt to use the Service.
Conditions of Use
Users can be internal employees, consultants/contractors and external partners and can access this service, on reading and complying with the conditions listed below:
- Access to the Service must be requested by Glencore employees and is for legitimate purposes only.
- Access to the Service is controlled by a user ID and associated password, and can include additional authentication factors. Passwords must be changed immediately from those provided and kept secret. Any User who reveals their password assumes the responsibility for activities by the password recipient on their account.
- Users must use well managed computer equipment with up-to-date patched software and effective anti-virus software implemented. Users should also only use reputable Internet Service Providers to access the Service.
- Any use must not create risks to other Users or raise the potential for liability and/or claims, or in Glencore’s reasonable opinion, bring Glencore and its employees into disrepute.
- Information on the Service is considered confidential and is subject to the obligations entered into as an employee (employee contract) or as a third party (relevant confidentiality or consultancy agreement).
- Users must maintain the confidentiality of Service information; Users should take care of any sensitive information they access and store locally, make use of screen-locking facilities when away from their computer and be careful of others eavesdropping when accessing from public locations.
- Users that need to dispose of any Service information stored locally must take care to securely delete electronic data, and use cross-cut shredders for any printed, physical documents.
- Users must ensure that any files uploaded and installed/stored on Service are not in breach of any third-party rights – such as intellectual property rights (copyrights, patents, trademarks, etc.) - or other applicable laws. This includes any activity that is likely to offend Users or damages the reputation of Glencore and / or its employees.
- Any problems in connection with the Service (e.g. viruses, suspected unauthorized access, loss of confidential information, etc.) must be reported to the Glencore IT helpdesk immediately.
Any violation of these rules may result revocation from the Service. Significant misdemeanors can result in termination of the employment contract for employees, or contract revocation for third parties, and further legal action. Users should also be aware Glencore reserves the right to monitor User activities to support the Service, verify contents and limit the risk of violations.
Glencore makes no representations or warranties concerning the availability or security of the Service and takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any content transmitted or any data that may be lost or compromised while connected to the Service. By using the Service Users agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Glencore for any losses or damages that may result from Users’ use of the Service.
Data Protection and Privacy
Glencore processes personal data to the extent necessary for providing the Service or for its security and maintenance. In order to manage access to the Service, Glencore collects User-names/IDs and contact details (e.g. email addresses) to identify authorized Users. Any collected personal data will be processed securely and in compliance with Glencore applicable laws. For further information on data protection, including data subject rights, please see our Privacy Notice or, for Glencore employees, our Group Employee Privacy Notice .
While using the Service some access and usage data may be monitored and logged for IT security purposes and such data might be shared with Glencore’s technical and security partners to support the functionality and security of the Service. Personal data will be deleted when no longer required for IT security purposes or for accessing the Service, unless applicable laws require longer retention.
In case of questions or for further information, please contact the local Glencore IT helpdesk.
Please sign to confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with this Confirmation.